Our Beliefs – What We’ve Learned
What We’ve Learned
The coaches at Gladiators Wrestling have over 100 years of combined competitor, coaching and club management experience. This combined experience has taught us a few things along the way. We know that each wrestler is unique in skill, ability and interest level hence we have designed a program that meets the needs of all wrestlers. We also know what works and even more importantly. . . what does not.
What we have learned:
1. Wrestlers who train and practice just once a week, year-round will advance much further than a wrestler who trains every day for just two months a year. The more frequent you train with qualified coaches the quicker and deeper you learn.
2. Wrestlers that receive consistent and progressive coaching will advance and perform much greater than a wrestler who bounces around from coach to coach or club to club each week. It is the repetition and perfection of the mastery of skills and not breadth of exposure, that separates competitors.
3. Quality of coaching and a consistent and progressive wrestling program is much more important than the skill level of the other wrestlers in the room. Wrestling is a trained skill acquired by repetition from attentive and enthusiastic coaches who are constantly making adjustments to perfect your technique and movement. You do not learn how to wrestle simply by being in a room with other wrestlers or wrestling other wrestlers.
4. Coaching is a long-term relationship built on trust over a long period of time. It is not a transaction like purchasing a television.
Based on the stated learnings above we have design our wrestling program and participation levels to benefit the competitive wrestler and casual wrestler alike; each with a unique and appropriate opportunity to learn and develop.
Winning is Not the Goal
At Gladiators, winning wrestling matches is not the goal. Some may find this statement surprising but Gladiators knows that in any endeavor, winning is simply the by-product of all that is done to prepare for competition whether on the wrestling mat or in life. If you prepare properly, you will be successful. If you prepare better than your competition. . . you will win. It is just that simple!
With that understanding, Gladiators focuses on three key development areas:
1. Mastery of Wrestling and Athletic Technique;
2. Perfection of Athletic Movement, Explosion and Force;
3. Mental and Physical Preparation for Competition.
Gladiators is progressive in its teaching and development. We teach wrestling mastery through “Wrestling Move Series” which gives the wrestler numerous options from any one move or position. Our “Wrestling Move Series” are taught, reviewed, systemically reinforced and eventually mastered. Our students find the method fun and they become super motivated about the sport as they employ what they learn and become successful on the wrestling mat.
In addition, we focus on six key leadership factors which are progressed throughout each of our training sessions and vary in emphasis based on whether a wrestler is a novice, intermediate or advanced wrestler.
The six key leadership factors are:
Gladiators provides cutting edge instruction in Physical Technique and Human Kinetics.
Gladiators reveals and demonstrates winning Strategies and Tactics.
Gladiators teaches and develops Mental and Emotional capabilities.
At Gladiators a child can start to learn how to wrestle at almost any age. Our entry-level instruction is designed for students to learn, experiment and just have fun figuring out leverage, strength and physical movement. The atmosphere is extremely supportive and stresses wrestling fundamentals and general athleticism. . . the building blocks for future sport success.
We do not have a minimum or maximum age to participate as we take each child and situation on an individual basis.
Gladiators intermediate-level of instruction is for those wrestlers who typically have 2 or 3 years of wrestling experience. Our intermediate-level instruction is designed for students who express greater interest in wrestling and desire to develop greater leadership qualities, wrestling skills and knowledge. The intermediate level of instruction is a little more in-depth and physically more demanding than the novice instruction.
Gladiators advance-level of instruction is designed for the serious high school and college wrestler and some grade school athletes who are mentally, emotionally and physically qualified for such a high level of instruction and intensity. At the advanced level we focus not only on our 6 core leadership factors but the finer nuances of wrestling skills and techniques. At this level the focus is on excellence in all aspect of the sport of wrestling and personal development. You will be better prepared; hence you will win.
Vision, Mission, Values Statement
Our Vision
Gladiators vision is to be recognized as the most positive, encouraging and proficient private wrestling club in the United States.
Our Mission
Gladiators shall advance the sport of wrestling by developing young leaders who will positively shape this ever-changing world. We will accomplish our mission through:
• Excellence in wrestling knowledge and instruction;
• Demonstrating solid leadership examples;
• Fostering an inclusive and diverse culture centered on virtue, knowledge and strength; and
• Instilling in our student’s critical life values such as dedication, fortitude, honor, integrity, perseverance, responsibility, self-confidence, self-discipline, sportsmanship, teamwork and empathy towards others.
We do this so that our students achieve their full potential and build character, self-esteem and respect for themselves and others.
Our Values
Gladiators focus is to understand your child’s yearning to develop leadership qualities and we will strive every day to meet those expectations by interacting with students, parents, coaches, and others in a courteous, professional and responsive manor centered on honesty and integrity.
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